China has announced the implementation of FAO's ISPM-15 as of 1 January 2006. Wooden packaging will therefore have to be treated according to ISPM-15 and marked.
A phytosanitary certificate issued by the Regional Plant Protection Service is no longer required
The same document also states that only HT heat treatment (56°C/30 minutes) will be accepted for wood packaging materials coming from countries or regions where the Pinewood Nematode is present.
The IPPC/FAO mark replaces the phytosanitary certificate, which will no longer be issued by the Phytosanitary Services, as it is no longer covered by the provisions of the importing country. Wood packaging must be produced by companies accredited by the regional phytosanitary services or by the “Consorzio Servizi Legno-Sughero”.
Wooden packaging shall:
- be free of bark;
- be treated according to FAO ISPM-15 (heat treatment or fumigation treatment) prior to export to China;
- bear, at least on two opposite sides, and in a visible manner the IPPC/FAO Mark.
Please also note that the FAO ISPM-15 applies only to unfinished wood packaging used in international trade, excluding packaging made entirely of 'wood-based products' such as plywood, particleboard, MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard), OSB (Oriented Strand Board), etc., which have been exposed to high temperatures, pressure or the use of adhesives during their production process.
Shipments without raw wood packaging (i.e. with packaging made entirely from 'wood products') may be accompanied by a specific declaration of 'No solid/raw wood packing material' completed by the exporter.